AITSL STANDARD: 4.2 – Manage classroom activities

Establish and maintain orderly and workable routines to create an environment where student time is spent on learning tasks.

The Situation

You need to establish expectations in the classroom.

The Solution

When you have your own classroom, you will need to establish clear boundaries for student behaviour. It is essential that students know what that they can and cannot do during activities.

Specifying these parameters prior to activities is a healthy way to call back to expectations if they are broken or dismissed by students.

Below, I have outlined a variety of examples that can be used in the classroom. You will notice that they all begin an “I” statement. The power of these statements is that you have the ability to create an ethos in the classroom.

For example, “In this classroom, we put our hand up to ask questions.” By using personal pronouns, you are creating student ownership and emphasising the expected behaviour.

This is a preventative measure, commonly described under positive behaviour management strategies. Rather than dealing with behaviour after it has occurred, we can do our best to avoid it happening in the first place.

When you begin an activity, use these placards as a visual reminder for students when completing their work.

Have them explain the importance of using these rules or nonnegotiables classroom to reinforce this ownership of classroom expectations.

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