How To Make Your Own Choice Boards

The Situation

You want to scaffold a learning activity across multiple learning abilities.

The Solution

Choice Boards are a fantastic tool to allow students of varying learning abilities to access their learning. Not all student will be able to complete the exact same activity. For that reason, you need to adjust accordingly. Below are some example templates of a choice board. Put simply, you will need to consider your students’ learning ability.

Divide the class into three groups: high, medium and low ability. If, for example, you are completing a reading of a chapter from a book, you might choose to ask students of low ability to focus on simple recall from the text. Who are the main characters? What has occurred so far? However, for each ability above (medium and high) you will craft more complex activities. Use the information from Bloom’s Taxonomy to devise more complex activities.

Students are then allowed to choose, or are provided with, the activities they need to complete for the lesson. Having this document printed off at their table will also be functional. Note, I have provide alternative names for each learning ability. Students might work their way up like levels in a game, or you might challenge them to answer questions from across the board.

For more information on this resource, checkout the link Choice Boards and How to create your own choice board (And make life easier for yourself).

Here is an example choice board I created for a Year 7 cohort focused on the novel Trash, by Andy Mulligan.

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